Thursday, October 6, 2011

Boosting Infertility

What Causes infertility?  

Infertility can be caused by many different factors. Around a third of infertility is due to problems with the woman, and another third is due to problems with the man. In 23% of cases, a cause cannot be identified.

Infertility in women
Premature ovarian failure, Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), Thyroid problems. Both Hyperthyroidism - hypothyroidism, Chronic (long-term) conditionssuch as cancer,  AIDS, Cushing’s syndrome, Womb and fallopian tubes, Pelvic surgery, Cervical surgery and scarring, or shorten the cervix, Cervical mucus defect, Submucosal fibroids, Endometriosis, Pelvic inflammatory disease in the form of a sexually transmitted infection (STI), Sterilisation, Medicines and drugs like non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, Chemotherapy, Illegal drugs, Age

Infertility in men
Semen (decreased number of sperm,  sperm mobility, Abnormal sperm); Testicles (infection, testicular cancer, testicular surgery, a congenital defect, undescended testicles, an injury, a lump); Absence of sperm; Sterilisation; ejaculation disorders; Hypogonadism (low level of testosterone); Medicines and drugs (anti-inflammatory medicine, Anabolic steroids, Chemotherapy,  Herbal remedies. Some herbal remedies (Tripterygium wilfordii), Alcohol, .  

Factors that affect both men and women
Weight, Sexually transmitted infections (STIs), Smoking, Occupational and environmental factors (Exposure to certain pesticides, metals, and solvents), stress

By stimulating the reflex areas to the reproductive organs in both male and female partners, you will be strengthening the entire reproductive system, unblocking any areas of congestion so that the energy flows freely.
Couples having difficulty getting pregnant can often feel helpless, which can cause stress and tension. Sharing reflexology with one another can be a special bonding time, bringingadditional intimacy.  The well regarded American reflexologist Barbara and Kevin Kunz wrote this article.  

Also Lamberts Healthcare have supplements to get your body ready and in good condition for conception.  Here is what they say...

Nutrition Support Programme for couples trying to conceive
The Reference Nutrient Intake (RNI) for women of childbearing age and for men of a similar age is deemed adequate for 97.5% of the population. However the disturbing fact is that for both men and women the average diets are failing to provide even the RNI level for some of the essential micronutrients. Many nutritionists believe these RNI levels often represent a barely adequate level, which is very different than the optimum level needed to support peak fertility.

A number of studies have provided a good case for the use of dietary supplements to support reproductive health, in particular a large prospective study that linked the low intake of multivitamins, B vitamins and iron with the risk of infertility in women.
The principle of using dietary supplements before conception is established by the DoH recommendation that all women trying to conceive should take a folic acid supplement. This in effect recognises the risk of dietary deficiency in the general public and the advice is supported by the fact that folic acid intake is indeed below the RNI for a staggering 65% of women. But many other micronutrients are also below the RNI which is why many nutritionists recommend a comprehensive product to provide a broad spread of micronutrients.
Lamberts® StrongStart® for men and StrongStart® for women have been formulated by nutritionists to support the diet of couples hoping to conceive. The comprehensive formulas are safe and conform to all UK regulations that govern the nutrient potency, the ingredients and the labelling of supplements.

If you need support and to talk to other woman who are in the same position that you are in, here are some forums that may be of interest to you.;

I hope that some of the information on this page can help you on your journey.  I would love to hear your stories from you with comments.  

If you would like more detailed or other information please let me know so that I can post it.

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