Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Suffering from Chronic Constipation

Constipation is extremely common affecting people of all ages and can prove to be extremely uncomfortable or even painful.  Not eating enough fibre, such as fruit, vegetables and cereals can be causing the sluggish action of the bowels.  Many factors can adversely affect the elimination process including; diet, lack of water, certain medications, and injury to the lower back. Other causes of constipation can be a change in your routine or lifestyle, such as a change in your eating habits, having limited privacy when using the toilet, ignoring the urge to pass stools, immobility or lack of exercise, not drinking enough fluids, being underweight or overweight, anxiety or depression, psychiatric problems brought on by sexual abuse, violence or trauma, for example.  Sometimes drinking cows milk can cause constipation in about 2/3's of people, when there is not enough fibre intake.  
In various Clinical trials, Reflexology has been found to improve the peristaltic action which propels food along.  After assessing your condition and the extent of it, I develop a personal treatment plan, along with supplement recommendations, dietary recommendations to assist in overcoming your issues.
Improper function of the digestive system can rob the body of important nutrients and lead to a variety of other issues, so it is important to resolve this issue as soon as possible.

It is possible to take certain supplements and make dietary changes that can help to prevent persistent constipation from occurring.  Lamberts healthcare sold by professional practitioners only have created various formulas for different digestive issues.  We have digestive aids for the older person, high cholesterol, wind, softening stools, travelling after antibiotics, etc You can get Lamberts suppliments directly from Belinda Wood GJC (dip Reflex) MAR at www.reflexthesole.co.uk

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